The EU is looking to promote protein plant production in Europe, in order to build self-sufficiency and gradually reduce dependence on imports.
As protein consumption everywhere is the world is gradually increasing with rising disposable income, availability of proteins supplies for import is at risk over time.
Soy can play an increasing role in providing a sustainable protein supply in Europe. Soy is already grown in many parts of Europe, including Austria, Belgium, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece and several CEE countries. So long as the right varieties are produced in sufficiently high yields to compete with other cultures, soy can be a suitable income alternative for farmers in other regions as well.
Because the soy plant is naturally fixing nitrogen, it reduces the need for energy-intensive artificial fertilizers. In this sense, it is also an interesting crop to integrate into crop rotation.
All the members of ENSA produce non-GMO soy foods and support the cultivation of non-GMO soy in Europe. That’s why ENSA is proud to support initiatives such as the Danube-Soya initiative which aims to promote the cultivation of sustainable, non-GMO soy in Europe. Find out more information on this initiative.
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Nutritional composition
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Advancing sustainability in food systems through plant-based foods: ENSA’s 2023 Code of Conduct report
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