SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods, glycemic control and diabetes
25 April 2018
Diet is thought to play a key role in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and in helping to mitigate the risk of chronic…
SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods and Diabetes
25 April 2018
According to a recent meta-analysis of observational studies, a high intake of soy, compared to a low intake, was associated with a 13%…
SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods and their impact on prostate cancer
1 March 2016
Prostate cancer is a disease that often remains undiagnosed in men because of the lack of symptoms. However for some, the cancer can grow…
SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods, A Source of High Quality Protein
11 August 2015
Protein is an important nutrient needed for the growth and repair of all body cells including organs, muscles, tissues, skin and hair. It’s…
SAC Position Paper – Fats, Soyfoods and Heart Health: Making Sense of the Evidence
9 April 2015
For many years scientists have recognised the important role diet plays in maintaining a healthy heart. Much of the focus has been placed…
SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods in East Asia – What’s really eaten?
10 September 2014
Soyfoods have been an important part of many East Asian diets for centuries and continue to be enjoyed to this day. But how much and what…
SAC Position Paper – Diet and Lifestyle Measures to Counterbalance Age-related Sarcopenia
25 February 2014
Sarcopenia is part of the natural process of ageing. It happens to all of us. How soon it occurs, and to what extent, depends on a number…
SAC Position Paper – Plant based diets for a healthy heart
9 August 2013
Plant-based diets, which are mostly or completely made up of plant foods, are becoming more and more popular because of the benefits they…
SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods and Cognitive Health
13 September 2012
Everyday tasks we take for granted such as thinking, remembering, reacting, paying attention, recognising people and our environment are…
SAC Position Paper – Soyfoods and the Endocrine System
8 September 2011
The endocrine system is made up of a number of glands that produce and secrete hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones…